... s real important to first off state that we're really not a church. We're not trying to advance a religion. There's an old ... here, we're not talking about anything that's like a church, anything that's static. The fact of the matter is that we read more...

... She had sympathy and love for almost everybody…” Church was central during those years. The family attended the ... Methodist Church and Religious Camp Meetings whenever possible. Later Della read more...

... 12:27 New International Version (Paul addressing the church of Corinth) “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one ... of you is a part of it. And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... Designs II. THE REFORMATION The Anabaptists The Mennonite Church Persecutions George Wanger Michelsberg Castle and Brixen ... 1886 Cyclone Spelling Bees Other Social Activities Albright Church Courting Days XIV. JOSEPH LEVI WINGER AND THE MIDDLE YEARS read more...

... a family type situation. On another level, it relates to a church or a congregational type revelation and actually, part of ... the book of Revelations was written to a group of churches that was in the Mediterranean, and it was relating to the read more...

... spring over which a noble of Denkendorf built the original church, 1000 A.D. The wall of the tall church tower is part of the ... of a Germanic diety. A noble of Denkendorf built a church over this spring about the year 1000, which he dedicated to read more...

Tom Beaver Oral History 3 of 9 December 10, 2017

... he starts out the speech by saying, "I am not addicted to church activity, although I've had exposure to strong ... here that, really, uh, by saying he's not addicted to church activity, to call church activity an addiction, that's a read more...

... permission was given to solicit five thousand dollars from churches in the "Lake Union Conference" [the area Adventist ... finally bought the station. He had lost all loyalty to the church or the cause which had inspired him to work so hard in its read more...

Faith of Our Fathers May 22, 1927

... Luther who will not be afraid to nail the 95 theses to the church door; I see some like the apostle Paul standing before read more...

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