... an unknown, yet-to-be-discovered center. Fueled by the excitement of the chase and a passion for the unknown, the searcher read more...



A Talk with John Fetzer August 29, 1986

... to the outside world. Q: That, to me, is the real excitement and courage behind the Foundation and what you've done. You read more...

... in love. It happens whenever we feel an emotional excitement or reaction, whether positive or 56 negative. ... karmic charges. When the karma dissipates and the excitement has passed, we often find that there is very read more...

... There were spelling bees all year around which created excitement in the nearby farming communities. In the winter people ... built a “buggy with a one-lung motor.” It caused a lot of excitement in Decatur, Indiana. As time went on, he developed a set of read more...

... “buggy with a one-lung motor.” It caused a lot of community excitement in Decatur, Indiana. As time went on he developed a set of ... of dust. There was the usual raring of horses and there was excitement galore. We got along just fine until we pulled over the read more...

... was in a most jovial mood, which seemed to indicate his excitement over the new-found relationship. Maharishi had spent more ... was in a most jovial mood, which seemed to indicate his excitement over the new-found relationship. Maharishi had spent more read more...

... John Fetzer's death, that first year was full of a of a excitement and challenges. he was such a charismatic person, and such ... Janis, I and Carol Hegedus, essentially. And sort of the excitement of moving into the Moyers series, figuring out how that read more...

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