... and all for which it stands. To this effort, radio station W J E F in Grand R apids will make its contribution. The ... fully aware of the tremendous responsibility that a radio station must accept in order to merit membership in the fam ily, read more...

... was a pioneer broadcaster who helped bring the first radio station to the region in the late 1920s and parlayed that ... obsession with young John. He began to frequent the radio station and labs at nearby Purdue University, and while recovering read more...

... Creating unseen bonds between people, irrespective of their station, it could create community, locally and globally. It could ... abilities. Believing that ideas found their manifestation in creative, intuitive thinking, he held that “The gift of read more...

... C.F. ("Fred") Clarke, who worked for John on the EMC radio station ++++++ "The Radio Lighthouse," a senior research paper, ... described as "working hard" that January of 1924 to get the station on the air ... the station's mission: the spreading of the read more...

... one; and the first one was grounded at the broadcasting station, in order to hold a particular focus of light that you had ... and also in 1923 I established the first broadcasting station. I was motivated to build it as a (traffic noise) read more...

... ratio, and in complete conformity to law, so that no manifestation is overbalanced. (III, pp. 142 -143 -144) There are myriads ... there they had received a television program from a station i n Houston, Texas. The remarkable part of that report, read more...

... of Staff offices? Or is it proof when a ground 11 radar station detects a UFO, sends a jet to intercept it, the jet pilot ... the next 15 minutes. He said he reported to all monitoring stations throughout the USSR, where many screens also registered read more...

This I Believe 4/10/1967 April 10, 1967

... regeneration and rebirth. Thus this gigantic relay station action as a phenomena of radiation is the Primal Cause of ... indicates “the love of God”, within. The seeing or manifestation of this principle in others is to completely remove the read more...

... and space, and acts as a powerful transiting and receiving station, communicating with the physical, mental and cosmic forces read more...

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