... more to the enjoyment and welfare of mankind than radio. Today, in enemy territory, radio has become a new and ... lo ng -range gun, or the flying bomb. Wielding the power of radio, ambitious and unscrupulous men have destroyed men’s read more...

Impressions of Europe 1945 October 01, 1945

... OF EUROPE By John E. Fetzer Strangely enough the radio trip to ETO brought me an entirely unexpected reaction. ... I definitely had in mind a minute inspection of physical radio facilities and operational policies. However, the trip read more...

... many of us were working with galena and silicon crystal radio sets. From that simple beginning evolved what we have today read more...

... He was a broadcaster and he actually helped to create the radio industry. And it's a new, and a pioneering approach to ... industry as we knew it at the time. Helped to develop radio, television. He had a network. He was a wealthy individual read more...

... fan. My mother listened to all the Tigers' games on the radio. So, I had sort of two big interests in my life, and at ... energy into the building, um. It was essentially a radio antenna, but a spiritual radio antenna, which I hadn't read more...


... Fetzer was a pioneer broadcaster who helped bring the first radio station to the region in the late 1920s and parlayed that ... to John and introduced him to the newly emerging field of radio. Although still in a primitive stage of development, the read more...

John and Me March 09, 2020

... John had become wealthy building an empire based on being a radio engineering pioneer and genius. I'd quit from being an ... aerospace engineer after two years ... both radio engineering and aerospace engineering are primarily physics read more...

Category: Trustee Memos

... the “spiritual work of the Creator.” 7. The Fourth Call: Radio Around the time of the elevator experience, or just a ... law and close friend, Fred Ribble, the magical new world of radio and broadcasting entered to change John Fetzer’s life and read more...

... as the majority holder of the Fetzer entity that owned the radio stations and the contract music business of Muzak had taken ... the books of the cable business and diverted that to the radio business of which Carl was the majority shareholder. The read more...

Category: Trustee Memos
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