... Mondays as well -- quite a few of the Mondays. And so it's interesting because, uh, I asked John Fetzer that very same question. read more...

... and that’s an experiential thing. That’s why it was so interesting what we said about - - - when Janis was asked about ... things will wrap around each other is just fantastically interesting. Rob Yeah, for me, too, where that takes me sometimes read more...

... expressed directly by using the number of years. Mike: It’s interesting that JEF didn’t specify the mission but left it to the read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... a form of organization that could carry this. And the interesting thing is that the organizational form, which we ended up ... whereupon it was judged by the Trustees who knew John as interesting but flawed because it did not accurately portray John’s read more...

Category: Trust Histories


... my passion there. And John Fetzer called me, and what was interesting about that is, he didn't invite me up, of course. The ... and go to business school. And so I said, well, that sounds interesting to me. I'm—you know, sign me up. And so, I went in to my read more...

... of these dimensions as he was talking about. Now, what's interesting about a commitment to science is that science has a very read more...



Trustee Panel Discussion 2012 February 06, 2013

... of the time, to be with all of you. I consider you—it's so interesting—One time John said to me, or I said to John, John what do ... And for me that was a foreign concept. It wasn't even interesting to me particularly. It didn't jive with the practice I'd read more...

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