... that in a number of different ways. You know, we more commonly talk about it now of transformation of consciousness, ... 2013 8 What is Compelling About This Work What was common in the early days is everybody had a relationship with John read more...

... it feels as if we can begin to talk about an overarching common purpose of the Institute and Memorial Trust. In the read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... collaboration between the Trust and the Institute for the common purpose of advancing the vision of John Fetzer and carrying read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... the Trust supported the Institute’s new impulse of “The Common Work,” as well as the Institute Trustees’ program direction ... History Page 9 of 42 would be resolved by coming to a common understanding and not just a resolution of a transaction. read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... say that the commitment to Spirit, the recognition of our common humanity, and then the role of science as a method of ... about the second critical element, the recognition of our common humanity. We actually talk about this in terms of oneness, read more...

... stands on his own feet. Trust and love, however, are common to both. Both imply unconditional trust and equally ... seed of self-knowledge and knowledge of the whole. Commonly, in the early stages, rather than realizing that, in the read more...

Trustee Panel Discussion 2012 February 06, 2013

... in Fetzer to be committed to this work. This is a common work that humanity's called to, and we're just a piece of read more...


... of relational reality. We are excited to develop our common work in science in support the emerging cultural narrative. read more...


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