... roles of the Institute then is to integrate a scientific process with spiritualmindfulness, because where there's a ... then, of the Institute is to integrate the scientific process with spiritual mindfulness. And so he said that we must read more...

... a lot to John. Rob: What it reminds me of is that this process of dialogue around the draft of the mission statement is so ... among the Memorial and Institute Trustees as part of this process so when we come out with both, we have commitment to each read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... if all of us in an executive position actually embody this process to embody the spiritual practice. So when we're talking ... out for a while, and that's okay, too. So it's an inclusive process but it's, at a higher level, a commitment to the direction. read more...

... compensation would be reviewed and set through the same process established for compensation review of the Institute’s read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... and Angeles Arrien co-led a vision quest-type experiential process. And in September of that year there was a discussion of ... (Institute Trustee at the time) facilitated a series of processes where people actually learned about themselves and each read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... for the gig. So I engaged with the Institute through that process of starting out with graduate school and business and ... of spirit with the outer life of action. It involves inner process, things like meditation, study, to ground it, and then read more...

... respectability. However, by the 1970s he had begun the process of liquidating his businesses in order to endow his read more...

John and Me March 09, 2020

... Foundation's eventual intent is to integrate the scientific process with spiritual mindedness. +++++++++++++++++++++ Section 3: read more...

Category: Trustee Memos
Trustee Panel Discussion 2012 February 06, 2013

... I'd been doing and the life I'd been living. So the process for me has been, um, opening up to John's broader vision ... Take our learnings, take our failings, take what we're in process of learning and do it in a larger setting, do it with other read more...

... words, the life, the search, and what is found is a single process: the life is always exemplary of the search and conversely. ... And what is found cannot be separated from experience, the process of finding, immanent in the life and the search. For the read more...

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