... to study the ​Course in Miracles​ and to discuss esoteric spirituality. It was this group that gave birth to the idea for the ... environmentalism perhaps, or humanism, and so losing the spirituality aspect.” The Institute Trustees came to experience a read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... would be expanded in scope to include research on esoteric spirituality as well as pioneering, esoteric science.3 4. The Fetzer ... culture and incubator for esoteric science and spirituality. 5. A Council of Elders would be created (modeled after the read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... out and bridge to Spirit. So this bridge to science and spirituality is really what John was talking about, the integrated ... He talked about really the integration of science with spirituality. And we can move in that direction but it's Bruce Vision read more...

... funded, we first need to go back and explore the part spirituality played in Fetzer’s life. Upon graduation from college, John ... worldview was the relationship between science and spirituality, and indeed, he was convinced that these were simply two read more...

... degree of spiritual person. It is no doubt that he has a spirituality of the highest level and can call all our gods. I his ... what is— spirit and matter, Heaven and Earth, science and spirituality, humanity and divinity—one single evolving reality material read more...

Trustee Panel Discussion 2012 February 06, 2013

... cosmic, that he considered it to be of the highest order of spirituality. And this was to me the most extreme way he could make that ... he had this fierce conviction that this mission of being spirituality into the world was the only way for the world to elevate read more...

... world. John Fetzer recognized the value of both science and spirituality in the quest for knowledge, and encouraged cutting-edge ... I felt was important to include in the mission statement: spirituality, science, inner practice with outer work. The last two read more...

Category: Trust Histories
John and Me March 09, 2020

... the Foundation community of freedom." (iii) Science and Spirituality are' two sides of the same coin', and are best studied in ... change. …This will all come about with the infusion of spirituality into science. The Foundation's eventual intent is to read more...

Category: Trustee Memos

... he understood and knew the importance of science, because spirituality without science tends to become dogmatic. And science ... without spirituality tends to become secular. And so, in John's words, he felt read more...

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