... The Trustee shall have the sole and absolute discretion to determine when during said twenty years the purposes of said account ... What are the measures of what is real and how do we determine truth? These discussions included detailed reviews of read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... two-in-one, depending upon each other in mysterious ways, determined by love, and continuing in love from beginning to end. In ... fate, or chance. For who else would permit him to live (determine he die)? Because his pledge is to the Creator, he does not read more...

Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... The Trustee shall have the sole and absolute discretion to determine when during said twenty years the purposes of said account ... What are the measures of what is real and how do we determine truth? These discussions included detailed reviews of read more...

Category: Trust Histories
MTrust History April 28, 2020

... The Trustee shall have the sole and absolute discretion to determine when during said twenty years the purposes of said account ... What are the measures of what is real and how do we determine truth? These discussions included detailed reviews of read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... Fetzer and Lou Leeburg. The Institute will also have to determine how best to work toward achieving similar investment ... costs noted above. Here also, the Institute will need to determine what structure and costs will best provide for the read more...

... converted, so much so, that three of our number went back determined to stay until they are able to perform the works and live ... When man stands forth in spiritual vibrations, he can fully determine and regulate these rays and their mode of action. Thus to read more...

... a space ship. He set the thing aside for a few days only to determine that here lies a story of a technically possible flying ... the NASA program, and begin a hard scientific study to determine the existence and purpose of the UFOs which are assumed to read more...

Memorandum to Board 1988 July 15, 1988

... I believe it requires much study and thoughtful prayer to determine the direction we should go in our networking process, what read more...

... of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, urges a crash program to determine if intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe, even ... of the genetic key which unlocks the secret of life and may determine whether man should be tall or short, smart or stupid, or read more...

... soldiers to guard the exiles. The Bernese government was so determined to be rid of the Anabaptists that it outfitted the ship ... Burkholder in irons. The confrontation only stirred the determined authorities to exile many more Mennonites. Over 340 read more...

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