... and sometimes that's been in synch with other people, and a lot of time it hasn't been in synch with other people, who've ... and you know, you have to deal with that. So, there were a lot of struggles for him, and we talked about them every day. read more...

... already hard at work in the Institute. I think there was a lot of confusion and, really, inquiry about who are they, what ... to the degree that it did later. I think that there was a lot of not knowing what the Trust was about and, therefore, read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... come from the outside and go in. We funded in the 'eighties lots of studies on energy medicine to diagnosis and treat ... we actually didn't get any traction on it. We funded a lot of work in parapsychology and the record would show read more...

... to Accept the Call to Spirit John had to overcome a lot of struggles in order to accept the call that he felt ... woke me up, I got out of bed and he says, "Bruce, I'm in a lot of pain, I need you to come over right away. So, I went read more...

... Institute? Over that period of time, there's going to be a lot of change, a lot of successive trustees, change in staff, ... -- thousands of programs over that period of time. A lot of external change will happen as well. So what will really read more...

... founder? Spiritual Legacy with a capital “S” always meant a lot to John. Rob: What it reminds me of is that this process of ... over a couple of board meetings; this will generate a lot of ideas. By doing this, we will really root the final read more...

Category: Trust Histories


... As the sale of his television stations had created a lot of stress for him during that time, he suffered a heart read more...

Category: Trustee Memos


Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... already hard at work in the Institute. I think there was a lot of confusion and, really, inquiry about who are they, what ... to the degree that it did later. I think that there was a lot of not knowing what the Trust was about and, therefore, read more...

Category: Trust Histories
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