... of John Fetzer’s intent regarding the Trust—as being of key importance spiritually to the ongoing mission of the Fetzer Institute. ... we include an eloquent statement by Bruce Fetzer on the importance to John Fetzer’s vision of a particular type of science. read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... central part of him, as far as the Fetzer legacy goes. The Importance of Donor Intent My point of view is pretty specific and ... most people aren't in to metaphysics like John was. The Importance of Spiritual Practice, of Allowing Spirit to Work Through read more...

... … the Depts don’t get eliminated … there’s always more of importance to learn and to teach 3. JEFT has always focused on legacy ... appropriate for making that decision. What is the relative importance of the 2009 criteria, and are there at present new criteria read more...

Category: Trust Histories
John and Me March 09, 2020

... his deepest personal interests were, and what he placed importance on. +++++++++++++++++++++ Section 2: What John Believed -- ... his deepest personal interests were, and what he placed importance on. (i) A Unified Cosmos - and that the physical and non read more...

Category: Trustee Memos
Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... of John Fetzer’s intent regarding the Trust—as being of key importance spiritually to the ongoing mission of the Fetzer Institute. ... we include an eloquent statement by Bruce Fetzer on the importance to John Fetzer’s vision of a particular type of science. read more...

Category: Trust Histories
MTrust History April 28, 2020

... of John Fetzer’s intent regarding the Trust—as being of key importance spiritually to the ongoing mission of the Fetzer Institute. ... we include an eloquent statement by Bruce Fetzer on the importance to John Fetzer’s vision of a particular type of science. read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... ” not only ethically but also and preeminently in the importance he gave to the development of his own capacities of read more...