A Talk with John Fetzer August 29, 1986

... we were developing things right after World War I , Nicola Tesla was our bible. He had been writing quite a bit about his ... field. As I experimented and studied more of Tesla's work, I recognized that there are energy wave read more...

... central aspect of John’s search. 9. The Sixth Call: Nikola Tesla Finally, in 1919, when John Fetzer was 18, the actual ... engineer, physicist, inventor, and cosmologist, Nikola Tesla. John was certainly ready for him. He was taking classes at read more...

... September 11, 2014 John Fetzer and the Influence of Nikola Tesla (September 11, 2014) In 1986 three Fetzer Foundation ... 20th century inventor and experimental physicist Nikola Tesla, saying: As a young electrical engineer on the campus of read more...

... (January 2017) John Fetzer and the Influence of Nikola Tesla (September 11, 2014) The Notion of the In-House Lab (June ... Memorial Trust, Inc. 10 The 1920s: Adventism and Nikola Tesla John’s mother Della was a kind of seeker herself. She was read more...

Tom Beaver Oral History 4 of 9 December 10, 2017

... um, wrote about it, and John, um, was influenced by Nikola Tesla, who wrote about it, John was influenced by a woman named ... Karagulla. And, um, look at this, uh, quote by Nikola Tesla. Um, first, here's something John said about Nikola Tesla. read more...

... we were developing things right after World War I, Nicola Tesla was our Bible ... As I experimented and studied more of Tesla’s work, I recognized that there are energy wave forms in ... of transmission will come to the forefront in the future. Tesla transmitted power over the air to a point 30 miles away, read more...

... He work ed with and was known to Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla and Luther Burbank. Spalding was engaged by Cecil B. read more...

... we were developing things right after World War I, Nicola Tesla was our Bible ... As I experimented and studied more of Tesla's work, I recognized that there are energy wave forms in ... quotes from the article: “As I experimented and studied Tesla’s work, I recognized that there were energy waveforms in read more...

... the impact of such Eternal Wisdom. Einstein, Edison and Tesla, to name only a few recent-day scientists, freely admitted ... acquainted with the work of inventor and scientist Nikola Tesla and his studies on “energy radiation.” As a young man, John read more...

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