... more than twenty short years ago, the nations of the world, sickened at the destruction and slaughter of warfare, ... -beings. In the historically brief time between the two world wars, the peoples of the earth had made incredible strides read more...

A Talk with John Fetzer August 29, 1986

... I started thinking, "What is really going on? What kind of world is this?" As a very young man I started seeing the link ... of broadcasting. When we were developing things right after World War I , Nicola Tesla was our bible. He had been writing read more...

... was to come from the other side, from the spiritual world, from spiritual sources, and his people, his group, their ... direction of Spirit, and to do something out into the world, and it had some impact. So, you know, I think at the time, read more...

... That's why action is important. So when I take it into the world and apply it, what have I learned for myself and how do I ... also kind of a vehicle, a portal for transformation in the world. So our role really is being the work to do the work, read more...

... humanity must transform its attitudes and actions in the world. And so, one of the primary roles of the Institute then is ... humanity must transform its attitudes and actions in the world and so one of the primary roles, then, of the Institute is read more...

... Institute to bring the vision of transformation into the world. John Fetzer recognized the value of both science and ... that we be able to communicate the mission to the outside world. Jan: We could have a dialogue on the mission statement, to read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... I was United States Censor of Radio in Washington during World War II. You will recall that in the middle of that war ... the various scientific investigative bodies throughout the world. Scores of books have been written on the subject and read more...

... ground it, and then service to have outer practice in the world and reinforce and test. And so it's the integration of ... can't fund it, we can't help to catalyze that work in the world. And so, it's just so hard because um because in a read more...

... To keep the memory and vision of John Fetzer alive in the world and work of the Fetzer Institute. 2. To explore the ... of the program. Mike (Gergely) also got Tom Murray of the World Law Institute involved, which initiated a couple of read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... simultaneously, transforming both the searcher and the world he or she lives in. In the end, searcher and world, ... in the searcher’s soul, as if this were separate from the world. Because the soul is relational, to search is to realize read more...

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