... success as having moved the healing art into the electronic age . Electronics will have become the primary tool of ... constitutes a d evelopment of three pieces of electronic equipment namely the DIAGNOSTIC ANALYZER, the OR IC FIELD read more...

This I Believe 4/10/1967 April 10, 1967

... distances up to ten billion light years away. These radiate electronic light waves of fantastic int ensity. Such an incredible out ... cosmos. Around the Central Sun of our Universe is a huge electronic ring which flashes with perpetual motion and brilliancy, as read more...

... generators, reversible magnetic fields, radio transmission, electronic tubes, wireless transmission of electricity, and Tesla ... couched in the scientific, physical, material language of electronic states, but frequently invoking spiritual states and read more...

... accepted methods in these later centuries and move into the electronic age of healing. Nevertheless, we should make a start. The ... to health in this new age, will be in the field of electronics. It will become the primary tool of a healing practitioner read more...

John and Me March 09, 2020

... energy and is a permanently adjusted miniature receiver of electronic wave-forms from this Central Source -- the Universal Mind. ... gain parabolic antenna of supreme sensitivity, which is electronically tuned to the incoming rays of the Infinite Intelligence read more...

Category: Trustee Memos

... would he say to the effect that the sweep of contemporary electronic technology is having on the capacity of young people to ... exception is the recipient of this omnipresent flow of electronic Infinite Goodness… It is impersonal, undisturbed and read more...

... of Power. He is coexistent to it and draws to himself those electronic emanations from this aqueous reservoir, the Central Sun — ... the Universal Mind. The physical man is an intricate electronic device with a set of transistor-like cells built in from read more...

... scientific notion of man (and woman) as a “transistor” for electronic waves from the “central sun,” the “spiritual source,” ... Cosmos this throbbing, pulsating, harmonious emanation of electronic energy from this original Spheroidal Solar Nucleus. Man has read more...

... to your problems ... The physical man is an intricate electronic device, with a delicate set of transistors built in from ... through radiation so as to be of great medicinal value. Electronic devices of all kinds will operate in portions of the read more...

... Power. He is coexistent with it and draws to himself these electronic emanations from this aqueous reservoir, the Central Sun — ... the Universal Mind. The physical man is an intricate electronic device with a set of transistor-like cells built in from read more...

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