... Spe eches an d Art icles JOHN E. FETZER FOUNDATION, INC. BOARD MEETING, MARCH 3 -4, 1989 OPENING REMARKS BY JOHN E. FETZER ... ng) purposes. That seems to be the number one thing the Board should be looking at. The other thing that comes right with read more...

Memorandum to Board 1988 July 15, 1988

... Cate gory : JEF S peeche s and Articles MEMORANDUM TO: The Board of Trustees FROM: John E. Fetzer DATE: July 15, 1988 From ... time and energy in the formation of the By -laws. Since the Board of Trustees represents the control of the Foundation, caref read more...

... as a result of many weeks of planning, following the last board meeting. After that will follow a full discussion of the ... process by the board. Actually we are making a new beginning. The coming of a read more...

... 1976 Author: John E. Fetzer Category: 70's Ouiji Board/Seance read more...

... 1979 Author: John E. Fetzer Category: 70's Ouiji Board/Seance read more...

John on Pyramids 1977 October 25, 1977

... 25, 1977 Author: John E. Fetzer Category: 70's Ouiji Board/Seance read more...

... 1976 Author: John E. Fetzer Category: 70's Ouiji Board/Seance Sessions read more...

... to it, and so it requires a long-term commitment of boards in order to stay the course. It takes resources and longer ... then, that's why it's important, especially at the board level, because after all, how are we going to ensure that read more...

... required that the Institute not select a chairman of the board for two years. He was very strongly determined that the ... we even had rules of engagement for a while about roles of board members and how it related to staff and so forth. So, in read more...

... It was derived from the approved minutes of Memorial Trust board meetings and has been presented in chronological order. Key ... Trustee to the member-specific five-person Memorial Trust board with a twenty-year term. Fetzer’s broad reason for doing read more...

Category: Trust Histories
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