(05) Board Governance Draft November 24, 2003

... themselves. Trustees must be available to work up to full time from time to time, at personal sacrifice, as situations ... relationships established by the founder during his lifetime. Moreover, the founder believed that the mix of individuals read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... the 500 year life of the Institute? Over that period of time, there's going to be a lot of change, a lot of successive ... in programs -- thousands of programs over that period of time. A lot of external change will happen as well. So what will read more...

... back in September of 1981. And so, I was working at that time as a chemical engineer at Union Carbide. And I was ... afternoon into the evening. And that was really precious time because, um, John was multi-dimensional. He had a private read more...

... summarizes the April 30 Board discussion. Our planned timeline is to create a redrafted MT mission by Friday, May 10, ... It really caught me off guard. I think for the first time it feels as if we can begin to talk about an overarching read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... E. Fetzer Memorial Trust History Page 1 of 42 at which time John and his ‘new Board’ also selected a President to ... third-year Trustees Janis Claflin and Robert Jahn, and long-time Trustee Judith Skutch-Whitson. Three other new Institute read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... rationale is to support and ensure, through difficult times, the longterm vision of the Fetzer Institute. 1 • ... twenty-year term points to two deeply symbolic periods of time that carry rich esoteric meaning: John often referred to read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... nature, and so whatever people are ready for in their own time, whatever methodology, it's a way of developing insight and ... felt that he didn't want to write a memo that locked us in time. Over five hundred years, we actually have to respond to read more...

... Trust Histories MEMO Four comments … they all envision a time when we’re all moved onward and upward 1. Spiritual ... basis … as soon as the active focus is gone … the next time things get off track will be the last time 4. Therefore, read more...

Category: Trust Histories
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