... to become free internally, you’ve got to love out and love first and then sometimes I think it all happens at once. I don’t ... clean up the mess we created. Rob That may be a good first step. Jacob All right, you cleaned it up. Good-bye. No, read more...

... universal experience of unconditional love. One of the key first questions was whether we should have one internal statement ... for use with external audiences. I invite the group to first weigh in on this question, and offer their own drafts of read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... each one of those. So individually, it's real important to first off state that we're really not a church. We're not trying ... the Fetzer Institute can succeed in the world? It's by, first of all, being the work by building this community. One read more...

... One signature program, for example, was one of our first science programs. That was with Dr. Elmer Green of the ... that process then provided follow-on funding to create the first Center of Social and Emotional Learning at Yale University read more...

... And I had known him growing up, of course. But when I first engaged with the Fetzer Institute was back in September of ... about that is, he didn't invite me up, of course. The first question he asked is, do I have a girlfriend? And so, I'm read more...

... he appointed the five of us as permanent trustees for the first twenty years, and myself as attorney. And it was then ... generations, to really turn to that gives them kind of first-hand knowledge of the founder, and also, really, of the read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... as well. John Fetzer’s Inner Resources and Vision When I first moved in with John, within a matter of two or three days, ... think the struggles with the Memorial Trust, especially the first few years, was with the Institute board, who from where read more...


... John Fetzer was a pioneer broadcaster who helped bring the first radio station to the region in the late 1920s and parlayed ... study and to set up 2 the College’s radio station, the first in southwest Michigan. Fetzer would be responsible for read more...

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