... immersed in at the time, including Silva Mind Control, A Course in John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust History Page 2 of 42 ... both had studied non-dualistic philosophy {John with A Course in Miracles, Tom with Christian Science}; both had made it read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... was my great uncle. And I had known him growing up, of course. But when I first engaged with the Fetzer Institute was ... was interesting about that is, he didn't invite me up, of course. The first question he asked is, do I have a girlfriend? read more...

... to catapult humanity forward. Take 1: How Do You Stay the Course? So how do you stay on course over the 500 year life of the ... rudder that guides the ship. Take 2: How Do You Stay the Course? So how do you stay the course over the 500 year life of read more...

... for two reasons. One, we actually need a tool in order to course-correct. If we're going to be working and developing new ... programs over five hundred years, it's important to have a course-correcting mechanism so we don't go off track. The second read more...


... is only a question of individual destiny. Aristotle, of course, was not referring to the modern knower of objects, who ... humanity, the Earth, and the cosmichuman future. Second, of course, the seminal teachings: those related to the call for a read more...

... Detroit Tigers’ spring training. 6 Not all approved, of course, with one Michigan minister complaining that this practice read more...

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