... knew what he was getting at. And so I thought I'd give it a try. What the heck? So I sat—I did it. When I let the guy—The ... into the service of of God or of Spirit. And he was trying to do whatever her was told to do, whether it was in his read more...

Trustee Panel Discussion 2012 February 06, 2013

... Tigers, who was an entrepreneur in the broadcasting industry, but that wasn't enough. He had a dream that he wanted to ... And he was a person that believed in that, and we're trying to live that fulfillment right now. We're living that read more...

... lead him into his own history and the history of his country. Officially founded in London in 1717 and spreading rapidly ... to discover the history of his paternal and maternal ancestry. Acknowledging those who had preceded him was not only an read more...

... respected businessman (awarded the broadcasting industry’s highest award in 1969, the National Association of ... his intuition. In 1975 he had some of the Detroit Tigers try Transcendental Meditation, which was picked up by the press read more...

... and (finally) to open the door to research. (What I was trying to point out is that as the years go by little by little ... now with the responsibility of taking this up, and let’s try to see what we have to do to get things in the right read more...

... Since I do not have the gift of eloquence, I shall try to state our purpose in simple terms that can be understood ... you will hear the ring of truth, first and foremost, trying to create a community of freedom, within the Foundation, read more...

... one in Phoenix—initially, that we're establishing—is to try to develop a new line of physics that actually can measure ... brought together and examined. From the standpoint of—I'm trying to reduce this down to something physical that can be read more...

... the Fetzer Institute to complement and assist our great country—and indeed all of mankind—on the path of love, unity and ... see, absolutely true to what we are in our bones: “I won’t try to make sweeping judgments about America,” she said. “In read more...

... Activities Committees, Boards and Associations Fetzer Ancestry Rhea Yeager Fetzer Paternal Ancestry The Lawrence Family ... which the Swiss people recall such illustrious fellow countrymen as statesman Albert Gallatin, engineer Othmar Ammann, read more...

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