... the Foundation and at its symbol and its meaning. We have a triangle and that triangle has three points of service, within the ... foundation – of body, mind and spirit. And yet, within that triangle where is the four square, that also makes up the activities read more...

... mental, and spiritual. And so, as he talked about it, this triangle of body mind and spirit, with the four square of the read more...

... common purpose of the Institute and Memorial Trust. In the triangle, they both share a mission point, a guiding purpose point, read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... the building is a two-story, 57,500 square-foot equilateral triangle. The triangle motif, symbolizing mind/body/spirit, is read more...

... point in time and space. The visual flow of the inverted triangle is downward to a point, showing in one image how knowledge, ... listen. External Symbolism The upper line of the inverted triangle symbolizes the great knowledge of the inner, or spiritual, read more...

... that would still hold a lot of meaning. I designed the triangle with the ‘j’ and the ‘f’ in it. It’s a triangle, and then ... then became the symbol for the Institute. They took that triangle and made it into the building, and then the ‘j’ and the ‘f’ read more...

... – research, education and service. Three sides of the triangle. That’s why our building wa s designed the way it was, to read more...

... from the horizontal). If you could x-ray it, it is like a triangle on its side, and if you look through it, it is the exact ... the base (The lower-front of the Hologram, with the Fetzer Triangle; then, under that, seven small disks lined up vertically; read more...

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