... to duplicate that which is being done by others. Scores of requests for grants have come from programs representing a ... be in clubs of different sorts. So there were all of these requests pouring in all of his life, help us with this, help us with read more...


Memorandum to Board 1988 July 15, 1988

... my personal needs for the distribution of certain funding requests through this process rather than the Foundation. Jim Gordon read more...

... every conceivable surface problem known... Scores of requests for grants have come for programs representing a read more...

... to duplicate that which is being done by others. Scores of requests for grants have come for programs representing a read more...

... the dismantling of the Office of Censorship through requests for a reduced budget. The designed reduction helped to read more...

Category: Books about John
FFF People April 23, 2020

... partners for collaboration and does not accept unsolicited requests for funding. Show less METHOD “HOW WE WORK. FROM IDEA TO ... partners for collaboration and does not accept unsolicited requests for funding. Show less 1. RESEARCH PROJECTS Identifying a read more...

Category: Trustee Memos
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