... Fetzer Date: Unknown (Probably Winter of 1988) KP: What I’d like to do is start with the present time, go back, and then ... And detectors and headphones and spark gaps and things like that. At Purdue, I would attend these communication classes read more...

Tom Beaver Oral History 5 of 9 December 11, 2017

... until '86, and you weren't with him until '82. But it looks like, in this era, that he's sort of in a typical phase for ... John got into in the '60s and '70s, and first it looked like, in the late '60s, he, uh, hooked with Jeane Dixon. So that read more...

Tom Beaver Oral History 3 of 9 December 10, 2017

... as an apparition, yeah. TOM BEAVER: Yeah. But going out, like following the guru, an out-of-body experience, like you do ... you're following the guru out, uh, which this is very much like. [0:05:35] So this had a big impression on him, this read more...

Tom Beaver Oral History 1 of 9 December 10, 2017

... Tom Beaver, on December 10th, 2017, and the topic that we'd like to start with today is hearing a little bit about your life ... when I was 34. And—and now that seems young. It seems like it's a very young age to me now, that I'm 66. I had spent—I read more...

Tom Beaver Oral History 9 of 9 December 11, 2017

... the ride. TOM BEAVER: Yeah. So you—so I think John—John, like a typical, um, spiritual seeker, was looking for how do you ... was always there and alive for him. But I think, uh, like a typical seeker, it's like, okay, how do you do this? How read more...

... in Chicago for a summer and realized that I didn’t feel like I was really helping anybody, just keeping them alive. And ... project to South America, to Peru. Larry Was this like in the early 60’s? 2 Jim Yeah, 1963 we were inspired by read more...

Category: Oral Histories

... . P14-15 Influenza. P21 Della and religion (she didn't like dogma, told John to pray John, pray) Skutch 2-10-2011 (p. ... of course he would, right? And when he was old enough he liked to ride up and down. He’d go with his mother, he’d go up read more...

... how I see John. You know, I basically just kind’ve laid out like my academic credential track and what that did, okay? When ... other information channels that this person and others like him use me for, to make assessments about what was really read more...

Tom Beaver Oral History 7 of 9 December 11, 2017

... imagine the Institute as a pyramid, this would have been like the king's chamber of the pyramid, with John's soul in ... and—and—and—uh, uh, ceilings of the upper floor are peaked like a pyramid. They're all—they all come to a peak. So the Hall read more...

Tom Beaver Oral History 8 of 9 December 11, 2017

... there's a consistent theme through all of this. Um, I would like to start with a question about, um, uh, how you see, uh, ... back to Nikola Tesla, where science and spirituality are like two pillars of one arch. They are two ends of one spectrum. read more...

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