... It's not just a mental concept, although understanding the techniques and the tools is important, but if I'm going to be read more...

... interface there to see how could healing devices or healing techniques impact, uh, the individual? Well, you need to have models, read more...

... that more research into the l ife and laboratory techniques of Einstein would prove salutary. Extrasensory Perception read more...

... term) that it’s only relaxation. But there are scores of techniques that break the train of everyday thought through a ... of running. It could be tai chi, qigong, yoga, scores of techniques that do this with a physical component; so it’s not just read more...

... progressive solutions to psychiatric problems. Of the many techniques which will be employed, I know for a certainty that one ... senior citizen problem will largely disappear. New-found techniques in the development of the mind will restore that instrument read more...

... a number of years, investigating some of these alternative techniques like castor oil packs, light, sound, that kind of stuff. read more...

... transcendental meditation way back then. I was using my own techniques as a result of the ulcer (ed note: this would've been in ... the relaxation response very easily. … there are scores of techniques that break the train of everyday thought through a read more...

... The senior citizen problem will largely disappear. Newfound techniques in the development of the mind will restore that instrument read more...

Tom Beaver Oral History 6 of 9 December 11, 2017

... scientists in the lab, that instrumentation, devices, techniques would be channeled through to these mystics, and then read more...

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