... “The core strategy is to create a mass of solid, scientific evidence concerning the nature and reality of wholeness, while at ... “The year 2011 and our mission.” Peterson presented evidence to the Memorial Trustees, from his work as a futurist for read more...

Category: Trust Histories
Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... “The core strategy is to create a mass of solid, scientific evidence concerning the nature and reality of wholeness, while at ... “The year 2011 and our mission.” Peterson presented evidence to the Memorial Trustees, from his work as a futurist for read more...

Category: Trust Histories
MTrust History April 28, 2020

... “The core strategy is to create a mass of solid, scientific evidence concerning the nature and reality of wholeness, while at ... “The year 2011 and our mission.” Peterson presented evidence to the Memorial Trustees, from his work as a futurist for read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... which ultimately could support, through new -found evidence, metaphysical and Para psychological endeav ors of merit. ... it would be utterly amazing what the pooling of scientific evidence could produce. It seems, therefore, that one approach is to read more...

FFF Projects April 23, 2020

... including medicine, psychology, economics, and genetics, evidence has accumulated that a considerable amount of reported ... scientific understanding. This will help to evaluate the evidence for different accounts for variation in the reproducibility read more...

Category: Trustee Memos

... formations. On the ot her hand, the believers point to such evidence as: a. Genuine pictures exist of flying saucers taken day ... but remains unidentified after close scrutiny of all the evidence by persons who are technically capable of making a common read more...

Memorandum to Board 1988 July 15, 1988

... posture until such time as we can acquire more experimental evidence as to the efficacy of our program. In connection with this, read more...

... Drs. Siegel, Jampolsky and Cousins confirm by clinical evidence this is so. My own experience confirms it. A number of read more...

... Dr’s Siegel, Jampolsky, and Cousins, confirm the clinical evidence, this is so. My own experience confirms it. A number of read more...

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