Trustee Panel Discussion 2012 February 06, 2013

... s necessary for us to take a new approach to help advance progress in this world. It's transformational in and of itself. And read more...



FFF Projects April 23, 2020

... – A Prospective Multilaboratory Replication Study In Progress Leif Nelson, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, ... – A Prospective Multilaboratory Replication Study In Progress Jon A. Krosnick, Ph.D. Stanford University, USA read more...

Category: Trustee Memos

... to the field of energy medicine, I foresee the same kind of progress. To be sure, sweeping changes are slow in their inception read more...

... that which they have received. There is one round of progression from a lower to a higher, then on to a higher attainment ... of the stage that is to follow. If you can accomplish progress in perfect order and harmony of thought and action, you are read more...

This I Believe 4/10/1967 April 10, 1967

... bloom into the attainment of these new faculties. Progress is not for the purpose of developing sanctimonism or ... of yesterday become your normal experience of today. The progressive comprehension of this equation constitutes and read more...

... been employed to redefine reality in new terms. Just as in progressive stages, it was detection that inspired Marconi to ... for coded telegram ; and it was understanding of such progress that gave Lee de Forest the idea of the three - element read more...

... employed, to redefine “reality” in new terms. Just as in progressive stages, it was detection that inspired Marconi to ... for coded telegraph and it was the understanding of such progress, that gave Lee Deforest the idea of the three element read more...

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A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

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