... imagination. The memo compares the provisions of the Original Trust with what could become the Reformed Trust. I have not ... II. Provisions A. Trust Purpose & Founder’s Vision • Original The Trust is created “for the benefit of the John E. read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... we attune at a spiritual level, something new shows up. The original call and inspiration of the Institute was a spiritual call, ... program for the simple reason that he was one of the original fellows, and in Seasons retreat he developed, in read more...

... either the Fetzer Institute or ILM. I. John Fetzer's Original Donor intent for the Trust In his Revocable Trust Agreement ... of the Trustee.” [ see Appendix (2): the complete original Articles of Incorporation of the Memorial And Inner Light read more...

Category: Trust Histories
John and Me March 09, 2020

... s Final Principles to his board and management, Sept 1989 (original version) he wrote: "I am sure that as you listen you will read more...

Category: Trustee Memos

... based on the experience and personal interactions of original Trust Board members and others who knew and interacted with ... individuals not known to John Fetzer be able to fulfill the original purpose of the Trust? 2. Future uncertainties – Given that read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... to extend its tenure beyond December 31, 2011. While the original term of the trust was set at twenty years, the John E. ... TRUST 1. For technical considerations, John E. Fetzer originally set the term of the Trust at twenty years. 2. While the read more...

Category: Trust Histories
Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... either the Fetzer Institute or ILM. I. John Fetzer's Original Donor intent for the Trust In his Revocable Trust Agreement ... of the Trustee.” [ see Appendix (2): the complete original Articles of Incorporation of the Memorial And Inner Light read more...

Category: Trust Histories
MTrust History April 28, 2020

... either the Fetzer Institute or ILM. I. John Fetzer's Original Donor intent for the Trust In his Revocable Trust Agreement ... of the Trustee.” [ see Appendix (2): the complete original Articles of Incorporation of the Memorial And Inner Light read more...

Category: Trust Histories
FFF Projects April 23, 2020

... actually smaller, less robust, or simply less true, than originally believed. This has contibuted to the emergence of the ... actually smaller, less robust, or simply less true, than originally believed. This has contributed to the emergence of the read more...

Category: Trustee Memos

... alone. Many of these translations are from lost Sanskrit originals. There are hardly more than a dozen Tibetan books that ... copies were carefully done, and they pointed the way to the originals later on. (III. Pp. 89 -90) The tablets were made of two read more...

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