... have been attached. The most vital sections include donor intent (p1), extension (p23), financial contribution (p41) and ... by their respective Trust documents for a period of 20 years, and with the same slate of Trustees as set forth in the read more...
... with John Fetzer in June of 1986, when I'd just turned 35 years of age (John was 85, born in 1901). My whole life to that ... point had actually prepared me for the next five years, and I sort've knew it at the time -- or at least I hoped read more...
... have been attached. The most vital sections include donor intent (p1), extension (p23), financial contribution (p41) and ... by their respective Trust documents for a period of 20 years, and with the same slate of Trustees as set forth in the read more...
... have been attached. The most vital sections include donor intent (p1), extension (p23), financial contribution (p41) and ... by their respective Trust documents for a period of 20 years, and with the same slate of Trustees as set forth in the read more...
... a life which must be marked by no ble achievement. In the years that we have dwelt in these college halls, we have been ... taught to aim high. But it is the contention of this class, that even though one may aim high, he read more...
... in numerous fields of inquiry. I do not remotely pretend that there is a pat answer to this. I can, however, ... forced f ields will be identified with anti -matter. Many years ago I was astonished to find that much of this same thesis read more...
... Some of you may have exposed y ourself to the books written by Erich von Däniken or might have seen the NBC ... were taken of this phenomena, although today the Pentagon tenaciously states that they have no knowledge of such action. read more...
... of outer space. Our planetary universe was created over ten billion years ago, probably from other gigantic planetary ... scattered across the Universe at enormous distances up to ten billion light years away. These radiate electronic light read more...
... continuation of this founding legacy into the next 500 years. The video explores how the organizations proceeded to ... about the work we —he's assigned us to do over the years. Each one of us had been appointed by John to the Fetzer read more...
... 18750-1 Printed in United States of America Table of Contents Preface Prelude to America’s Agony by Michael C. Gergely ... this essay. I met John E. Fetzer in 1980, and through the years had the privilege to spend many wonderful hours with him. read more...