... as Rosicrucianism, informs his brilliant unpacking of the symbolism embedded in the Fetzer Institute’s Administration ... of the Fetzer Institute logo • four memos on the spiritual symbols in the Fetzer Institute Administration Building • three read more...

... need to find it, so I can show it to you” (pp. 93-94). AAM Symbol Jim Gordon gave JEF (TB memo) May 2012: “It was on the ... think this was Jewish organization. There were too many symbolic, metaphysical, mystical symbols in it that disturbed read more...

... Beaver Memos Date: May 22, 2012 The Background Behind the Symbol that Jim Gordon Passed Along to John Fetzer (May 22, 2012) ... The symbol that Jim Gordon would see inwardly when the Archangel read more...

... Tom Beaver Category: Beaver Memos Date: June 3, 2013 The Symbolism of the Fetzer Institute Administration Building (May 2, ... more than just a message. So ... What were these shapes and symbols intended to represent by John? And why did he have them read more...

... appeared to have a “fuselage ” shaped like a “hippy peace symbol which was ill uminated and cast a fluorescent yellow glow. ... right hand has been indicated as a ‘universal ’ symbol of good will in many human writings; we doubt any literal read more...

... Date: June 3, 2013 Fetzer Administration Building Spiritual Symbols: The Hologram (April 24, 2013, revised June 3, 2013) When ... piece of the Administration Building construction. And, symbolically, it was capstone as well. For John said: In a way, read more...

... they meant, but to ask questions to help him interpret the symbology. John was actively looking at multiple ways of inner ... point, so what I get in just looking at this is, I get the symbolic explanation of the symbol that John received from Jim. read more...

... have to come back again. And now I’ll get into my lecture. Symbols have often been a very important part of humanity. As a ... matter of fact, symbols were one of the first ways that mankind has communicated, read more...

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