
... that what is set forth in America’s Agony is not just so much conversation but indeed truth—truth about the past, present ... story goes that the archbishop of the region has heard so much about this remarkable man that he decides to see for read more...

... is focused through your consciousness into the world, much the same as Jim is focusing certain lights for the people ... of mankind and his consciousness. John Thank you so much, because that helps me to focus better and to understand read more...

Category: Channelings

... involved in interacting with the Foundation. John pretty much called the shots. Larry Tom, do you want to go into the ... with the physical, and John literally tried to translate as much as practical into reality. The two pieces of evidence out read more...

... be so visible and, of course, I don’t think they had much advertising in that day. She certainly wasn’t advertising ... doing it. He wasn't alone searching. He still kept it very much to himself that he was looking for her." Skutch 5/30/97, P read more...

... the following spring and then over that summer. I pretty much ran into, a buzz saw in some respects; I was fairly well ... all future events, too. The point is that John was very much in search of creating that bridge between that other side read more...

... on and I became more established in Detroit, I realized how much ownership of the Tigers meant. Not just to me, but to the ... support. In fact, anyone who wore the Tiger uniform seemed bigger than life back then. That was the way it was in Detroit. read more...

Category: Books about John
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