... because um because in a foundation you have all of these external forces, and you think that you're it, and you have to step ... You know? And it causes dislocations internally as well as externally. It's not a peaceful action; it is loving, though. read more...

... of materials and educating both internal as well as external audiences. Their audit of the Trust’s legacy plan concluded ... to invite inquiry from participants, be owned by external decentralized communities, and have had hundreds of read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... -- thousands of programs over that period of time. A lot of external change will happen as well. So what will really survive ... time, there's going to be a lot of change, internally and externally. It can be successive boards, staff, thousands of read more...

... and legacy, and another mission statement for use with external audiences. I invite the group to first weigh in on this ... intended audience of the mission statement – internal or external? What is Spiritual Legacy – will outside parties understand read more...

Category: Trust Histories
Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... of materials and educating both internal as well as external audiences. Their audit of the Trust’s legacy plan concluded ... to invite inquiry from participants, be owned by external decentralized communities, and have had hundreds of read more...

Category: Trust Histories
MTrust History April 28, 2020

... of materials and educating both internal as well as external audiences. Their audit of the Trust’s legacy plan concluded ... to invite inquiry from participants, be owned by external decentralized communities, and have had hundreds of read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... History has shown a high degree of change at the Institute. External factors that impact both the Institute’s endowment and ... substantial differences between the structure, culture and external perception for the Fetzer Franklin Fund as operated in the read more...

Category: Trust Histories
Trustee Panel Discussion 2012 February 06, 2013

... a journey because um there are all of these inner and external poles that create the potential for mission drift. And so ... the role of finance and how seductive that is; the role of external trends and how seductive that gets to be in the face of; read more...

... and are funneled to us when we take time to listen. External Symbolism The upper line of the inverted triangle read more...

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