... lectively. This consciousness is one having to do with the collective synthesis, a coming together of the many into the one – ... this knowledge of some time seeking understandings of this collective oneness. What we see are the strivings to come to a world read more...

... to Spirit actually has both an individual as well as a collective element to it. Individually, it is really important for me ... some type of journey, but in their own time and space. The collective part of spiritual commitment is multifaceted as well. The collective part actually comes from individuals who are searching that read more...

... by Fetzer-Franklin). (ii) Brain to Brain Synchronization in Collective Awareness project with Phillip Cho was temporarily on hold ... fiduciary duty to complete the purpose of the Trust. They collectively focused on the question, “Looking back from 2020, what read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... the term of the Trust, but simply a way of stimulating our collective imagination. The memo compares the provisions of the read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... and without, in the educational process. It is up to the collective group of trustees and staff to begin to understand that it ... of this nation, it wasn’t one individual, it was the collective group, sitting and coming to agreement, that created the read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... that the issue was that the Institute foster individual and collective spiritual growth. Regarding programs, John was not dogmatic ... need the capacity to hear the call and we have a collective responsibility to discern that call. How did your read more...

Category: Trust Histories
Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... by Fetzer-Franklin). (ii) Brain to Brain Synchronization in Collective Awareness project with Phillip Cho was temporarily on hold ... fiduciary duty to complete the purpose of the Trust. They collectively focused on the question, “Looking back from 2020, what read more...

Category: Trust Histories
MTrust History April 28, 2020

... by Fetzer-Franklin). (ii) Brain to Brain Synchronization in Collective Awareness project with Phillip Cho was temporarily on hold ... fiduciary duty to complete the purpose of the Trust. They collectively focused on the question, “Looking back from 2020, what read more...

Category: Trust Histories
Review of Past Remarks 1991 February 13, 1991

... These are things the institute can do, individually and collectively, as it goes about st riving to achieve its goals in the ... and without, in the educational process . It is up to the collective group of trustees and staff to begin to understand that it read more...

... convened a group of associates to discuss individual and collective esoteric purposes. The group consisted of John Fetzer, Mike ... This declaration should be drawn up by all of you as a collective consciousness so that the energies may begin to harmonize read more...

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