... The memo began with “First Principles” which have clear, albeit symbolic/Masonic, underpinnings: Let us look for a moment read more...

... Masonic/Rosicrucian connection is actually a significant, albeit hidden, part of this “Founding Fathers as Deists” story. read more...

... Masonic/Rosicrucian connection is actually a significant, albeit hidden, part of this “Founding Fathers as Deists” story. ... The memo began with “First Principles” which have clear, albeit symbolic/Masonic, underpinnings: Let us look for a moment read more...

... Thus, the second task of this chapter is to sketch (albeit schematically) the history of the “metaphysical Midwest,” a ... her disgruntled followers broke away to join the growing, albeit amorphous, New Thought movement, which found much of its read more...

... (1927), a standard work that also treats of these subjects, albeit more summarily than Pike (Mackey, it should be pointed out, read more...

... A last technological approach to subtle energy medicine, albeit one very different from the vibrational healing outlined ... as biofeedback. That the brain produced clearly defined, albeit subtle electrical oscillations or “brainwaves” had been read more...

John E. Fetzer and Theosophy October 21, 2019

... introduced Fetzer to a wealth of new Theosophical concepts, albeit in Ballard’s own distinctive terminology: these included ... remained an indelible part of Bailey’s evolving worldview, albeit integrated with such things as reincarnation, the religions read more...

... that matched the number of raps to letters in the alphabet. Albeit timeconsuming, they were able to discern that the spirit’s read more...

FFF Events April 23, 2020

... mechanics without wave functions“ in ordinary 3space, albeit with nonlocal correlations. This, then, leads to the read more...

Category: Trustee Memos
FFF Publications April 23, 2020

... mechanics without wave functions” in ordinary 3-space, albeit with nonlocal correlations. The article was published in: ... from our model to be identical to Bohmian trajectories, albeit without the need to invoke complex wave functions or any read more...

Category: Trustee Memos
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