Impressions of Europe 1945 October 01, 1945

... nation remains – a nation, however, that looks to the United States alone for help. In G ermany the peoples of the ... a new hope which will rebound forever to the glory of the United States. The continued use of short wave stations here at read more...

... my interest in this subject dates b ack to 1944 when I was United States Censor of Radio in Washington during World War II. ... of this phenomena, although today the Pentagon tenaciously states that they have no knowledge of such action. From that day read more...

... of the stuff around Versailles. The very beginning of the United States of America—our Founding Fathers— Benjamin Franklin, ... philosophies were extended to express the human age of the United States for an international basis. I've given you two read more...

... world as God the creator envisioned. He also felt that the United States had as part of its destiny to reflect this to the read more...

Category: Trust Histories
This I Believe 4/10/1967 April 10, 1967

... Supreme Principle. Washington, Franklin and Lincoln in the United States, as well as leaders throughout the world, both past ... there is oneness in all things. Thus the spiritual forces united with the scientific in outer space now become the essence read more...

... the broadcasting system, and that you had brought into the United States, having to do with freedom of speech and the ... like one piece of paper that laid the foundations for the United States and made a change in the consciousness of all the read more...

... in the shape of disks. Einstein’s theory of relativity states that “where there is a movement of mass and its velocity is ... is scientific; if scientific, it is intelligent, it is life united with intelligent life. Life coupled to, and guided by read more...

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